Participant Resources
As a participant in re:generation, sometimes you need some extra sources to further your discipleship to Jesus. Depending on what step you are on, find helpful and relevant resources for your current learning!
Step 1: Admit
We admit we are powerless over our addictions, brokenness and sinful patterns—that in our own power our lives are unmanageable.
Step 2: Believe
We come to believe that God is the one whose power can fully restore us.
Step 3: Trust
We decide to trust God with our lives and wills by accepting His grace through Jesus Christ.
Step 4: Inventory
We make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Step 5: Confess
We confess to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our sins.
Step 6: Repent
We become entirely ready to turn away from our patterns of sin and turn to God.
Step 7: Follow
We humbly ask God’s Spirit to change our hearts and minds in order to follow Christ fully.
Step 8: Forgive
We forgive those who have harmed us and become willing to make amends to those we have harmed.
Step 9: Amends
We make direct amends whenever possible, submitting to God, his Word and biblical counsel.
Step 10: Continue
We continue to examine our lives and when we sin promptly confess and turn to walk with Christ.
Step 11: Intimacy
We seek to deepen our relationship with God daily and depend on his power to do his will.
Step 12: Regenerate
Because of our new lives in Christ, we carry God’s message of reconciliation to others and practice these biblical principles in every aspect of our lives.